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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Exceptions while switching the controller mode

The following list provides the exceptions while setting the controller mode using the iDRAC interfaces such as web interface, RACADM, and WSMan:

  • If the PERC controller is in RAID mode, you must clear any virtual disks, hot spares, foreign configurations, controller keys, or preserved cache before changing it to HBA mode.
  • You cannot configure other RAID operations while setting the controller mode. For example, if the PERC is in RAID mode and you set the pending value of the PERC to HBA mode, and you try to set the BGI attribute, the pending value is not initiated.
  • When you switch the PERC controller from HBA to RAID mode, the drives remain in Non-RAID state and are not automatically set to Ready state. Additionally, the RAIDEnhancedAutoImportForeignConfig attribute is automatically set to Enabled.
The following list provides the exceptions while setting the controller mode using the Server Configuration Profile feature using the WSMan or RACADM interface:
  • Server Configuration Profile feature allows you to configure multiple RAID operations along with setting the controller mode. For example, if the PERC controller is in HBA mode, you can edit the export Server Configuration Profile (SCP) to change the controller mode to RAID, convert drives to ready and create a virtual disk.
  • While changing the mode from RAID to HBA, the RAIDaction pseudo attribute is set to update (default behavior). The attribute runs and creates a virtual disk which fails. The controller mode is changed, however, the job is completed with errors. To avoid this issue, you must comment out the RAIDaction attribute in the SCP file.
  • When the PERC controller is in HBA mode, if you run import preview on export SCP which is edited to change controller mode to RAID, and try creating a VD, the virtual disk creation fails. Import preview does not support validating stacking RAID operations with changing controller mode.

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