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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Installing iDRAC Service Module from iDRAC Enterprise

  1. On the SupportAssist Registration wizard, click Next.
  2. On the iDRAC Service Module Setup page, click Install Service Module.
  3. Click Launch Virtual Console and click Continue on the security warning dialog box.
  4. To locate the iSM installer file, log in to the server either remotely or locally.
    NOTE The installer will be available to the host operating system for 30 minutes. If you do not start the installation within 30 minutes, you must restart the installation.
  5. Find the mounted volume labeled as "SMINST" on your device list and run the appropriate script:
    • On Windows, open the command prompt and run the ISM-Win.bat batch file.
    • On Linux, open the shell prompt and run the ISM-Lx.sh script file.
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
    On the iDRAC Service Module Setup page, the Install Service Module button is disabled after the installation is complete and the Service Module status is displayed as Running.

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