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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Deploying operating system using virtual media

Before you deploy the operating system using Virtual Media, make sure that:
  • Virtual Media is in Attached state for the virtual drives to appear in the boot sequence.
  • If Virtual Media is in Auto Attached mode, the Virtual Media application must be launched before booting the system.
  • Network share contains drivers and operating system bootable image file, in an industry standard format such as .img or .iso.

To deploy an operating system using Virtual Media:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Insert the operating system installation CD or DVD into the management station CD or DVD drive.
    • Attach the operating system image.
  2. Select the drive on the management station with the required image to map it.
  3. Use one of the following methods to boot to the required device:
    • Set the boot order to boot once from Virtual Floppy or Virtual CD/DVD/ISO using the iDRAC Web interface.
    • Set the boot order through System Setup > System BIOS Settings by pressing <F2> during boot.
  4. Reboot the managed system and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the deployment.

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