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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide


The Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) is designed to make you more productive as a system administrator and improve the overall availability of Dell EMC servers. iDRAC alerts you to system issues, helps you to perform remote management, and reduces the need for physical access to the system.

iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller technology is part of a larger data center solution that increases availability of business critical applications and workloads. The technology allows you to deploy, monitor, manage, configure, update, and troubleshoot Dell EMC systems from any location without using any agents or an operating system.

Several products work with the iDRAC and Lifecycle Controller to simplify and streamline IT operations. Following are some of the tools:

  • Dell management plug-in for VMware vCenter
  • Dell Repository Manager
  • Dell management packs for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
  • BMC BladeLogic
  • Dell OpenManage Essentials/OpenManage Enterprise
  • Dell OpenManage Power Center

iDRAC is available in the following variants:

  • iDRAC Basic — Available by default for 200-500 series servers
  • iDRAC Express — Available by default on all 600 and higher series of rack or tower servers, and all blade servers
  • iDRAC Enterprise — Available on all server models

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