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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Using iDRAC Service Module

The iDRAC Service Module is a software application that is recommended to be installed on the server (it is not installed by default). It complements iDRAC with monitoring information from the operating system. It complements iDRAC by providing additional data to work with iDRAC interfaces such as the Web interface, Redfish, RACADM, and WSMan. You can configure the features monitored by the iDRAC Service Module to control the CPU and memory consumed on the server’s operating system. Host OS command line interface has been introduced to enable or disable status of Full Power Cycle for all System components except the PSU.

NOTE iDRAC9 uses iSM version 3.01 and higher.
NOTE You can use the iDRAC Service Module only if you have installed iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise license.
Before using iDRAC Service Module, ensure that:
  • You have login, configure, and server control privileges in iDRAC to enable or disable the iDRAC Service Module features.
  • You do not disable the iDRAC Configuration using local RACADM option.
  • OS to iDRAC pass-through channel is enabled through the internal USB bus in iDRAC.
  • When iDRAC Service Module runs for the first time, by default it enables the OS to iDRAC pass-through channel in iDRAC. If you disable this feature after installing the iDRAC Service Module, then you must enable it manually in iDRAC.
  • If the OS to iDRAC pass-through channel is enabled through LOM in iDRAC, then you cannot use the iDRAC Service Module.

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