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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Launching virtual console

You can launch the virtual console using the iDRAC Web Interface or a URL.

NOTE Do not launch a Virtual Console session from a Web browser on the managed system.
Before launching the Virtual Console, make sure that:
  • You have administrator privileges.
  • Web browser is configured to use HTML5, Java, or ActiveX plug-ins.
  • Minimum network bandwidth of one MB/sec is available.
NOTE If the embedded video controller is disabled in BIOS and if you launch the Virtual Console, the Virtual Console Viewer is blank.

While launching Virtual Console using 32-bit or 64-bit IE browsers, use HTML5, or use the required plug-in (Java or ActiveX) that is available in the respective browser. The Internet Options settings are common for all browsers.

While launching the Virtual Console using Java plug-in, occasionally you may see a Java compilation error. To resolve this, go to Java control panel > General > Network Settings and select Direct Connection.

If the Virtual Console is configured to use ActiveX plug-in, it may not launch the first time. This is because of the slow network connection and the temporary credentials (that Virtual Console uses to connect) timeout is two minutes. The ActiveX client plug-in download time may exceed this time. After the plug-in is successfully downloaded, you can launch the Virtual Console normally.

To launch the Virtual Console by using HTML5 plug-in, you must disable the pop-up blocker.

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