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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Active directory schema extensions

The Active Directory data is a distributed database of attributes and classes. The Active Directory schema includes the rules that determine the type of data that can be added or included in the database. The user class is one example of a class that is stored in the database. Some example user class attributes can include the user’s first name, last name, phone number, and so on. You can extend the Active Directory database by adding your own unique attributes and classes for specific requirements. Dell has extended the schema to include the necessary changes to support remote management authentication and authorization using Active Directory.

Each attribute or class that is added to an existing Active Directory Schema must be defined with a unique ID. To maintain unique IDs across the industry, Microsoft maintains a database of Active Directory Object Identifiers (OIDs) so that when companies add extensions to the schema, they can be guaranteed to be unique and not to conflict with each other. To extend the schema in Microsoft's Active Directory, Dell received unique OIDs, unique name extensions, and uniquely linked attribute IDs for the attributes and classes that are added into the directory service:
  • Extension is: dell
  • Base OID is: 1.2.840.113556.1.8000.1280
  • RAC LinkID range is: 12070 to 12079

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