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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring option 60 on Windows

To configure option 60 on Windows:
  1. On the DHCP server, go to Start > Administration Tools > DHCP to open the DHCP server administration tool.
  2. Find the server and expand the items under it.
  3. Right-click on IPv4 and choose Define Vendor Classes.
  4. Click Add.
    A dialog box with the following fields is displayed:
    • Display name:
    • Description:
    • ID: Binary: ASCII:
  5. In the Display name: field, type iDRAC.
  6. In the Description: field, type Vendor Class.
  7. Click in the ASCII: section and type iDRAC.
  8. Click OK and then Close.
  9. On the DHCP window, right-click IPv4 and select Set Predefined Options.
  10. From the Option class drop-down menu, select iDRAC (created in step 4) and click Add.
  11. In the Option Type dialog box, enter the following information:
    • NameiDRAC
    • Data Type — String
    • Code — 060
    • Description — Dell vendor class identifier
  12. Click OK to return to the DHCP window.
  13. Expand all items under the server name, right-click Scope Options and select Configure Options.
  14. Click the Advanced tab.
  15. From the Vendor class drop-down menu, select iDRAC. The 060 iDRAC is displayed in the Available Options column.
  16. Select 060 iDRAC option.
  17. Enter the string value that must be sent to the iDRAC (along with a standard DHCP provided IP address). The string value helps in importing the correct SCP file.
    For the option’s DATA entry, String Value setting, use a text parameter that has the following letter options and values:
    • Filename (–f) — Indicates the name of the exported Server Configuration Profile(SCP) file.
    • Sharename (-n) — Indicates the name of the network share.
    • ShareType (-s)

      Alongside supporting NFS and CIFS-based file sharing, iDRAC firmware or later also supports accessing profile files by using HTTP and HTTPS. The -s option flag is updated as follows:

      -s (ShareType): type nfs or 0 for NFS; cifs or 2 for CIFS; http or 5 for HTTP; or https or 6 for HTTPS (mandatory).

    • IPAddress (-i) — Indicates the IP address of the file share.
      NOTE Sharename (-n), ShareType (-s), and IPAddress (-i) are required attributes that must be passed. -n is not required for HTTP or HTTPs.
    • Username (-u) — Indicates the user name required to access the network share. This information is required only for CIFS.
    • Password (-p) — Indicates the password required to access the network share. This information is required only for CIFS.
    • ShutdownType (-d) — Indicates the mode of shutdown. 0 indicates Graceful shutdown and 1 indicates Forced shutdown.
      NOTE The default setting is 0.
    • Timetowait (-t) — Indicates the time the host system waits before shutting down. The default setting is 300.
    • EndHostPowerState (-e) — Indicates the power state of the host. 0 indicates OFF and 1 indicates ON. The default setting is 1.
      NOTE ShutdownType (-d), Timetowait (-t), and EndHostPowerState (-e) are optional attributes.
    NFS: -f system_config.xml -i -n /nfs_share -s 0 -d 1
    CIFS: -f system_config.xml -i -n cifs_share -s 2 -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -d 1 -t 400
    HTTP: -f system_config.json -i -s 5
    HTTP: -f http_share/system_config.xml -i -s http
    HTTP: -f system_config.xml -i -s http -n http_share
    HTTPS: -f system_config.json -i -s https

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