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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Managing PCIe SSDs

Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) solid-state device (SSD) is a high-performance storage device designed for solutions requiring low latency, high Input Output Operations per Second (IOPS), and enterprise class storage reliability and serviceability. The PCIe SSD is designed based on Single Level Cell (SLC) and Multi-Level Cell (MLC) NAND flash technology with a high-speed PCIe 2.0 or PCIe 3.0 compliant interface. In 14th generation of PowerEdge servers, we have three different ways to connect SSDs. You can use an extender to connect the SSDs via backplane, directly connect the SSDs from backplane to mother board using slimline cable without extender, and use HHHL (Add-In) card which sits on the motherboard.

NOTE 14th generation of PowerEdge servers are supporting Industry standard NVMe-MI specification based NVMe SSDs. However, 13th generation of PowerEdge servers used to support Dell proprietary specification based SSDs. Adding SSDs from any previous generation of server are not supported by iDRAC9.

Using iDRAC interfaces, you can view and configure NVMe PCIe SSDs.

The key features of PCIe SSD are:
  • Hot plug capability
  • High-performance device

In few of the 14th generation of PowerEdge servers, up to 32 NVMe SSDs are supported.

You can perform the following operations for PCIe SSDs:
  • Inventory and remotely monitor the health of PCIe SSDs in the server
  • Prepare to remove the PCIe SSD
  • Securely erase the data
  • Blink or unblink the device LED (Identify the device)
You can perform the following operations for HHHL SSDs:
  • Inventory and real-time monitoring of the HHHL SSD in the server
  • Failed card reporting and logging in iDRAC and OMSS
  • Securely erasing the data and removing the card
  • TTY logs reporting
You can perform the following operations for SSDs:
  • Drive status reporting such as Online, Failed, and Offline
NOTE Hot plug capability, prepare to remove, and blink or unblink the device LED is not applicable for HHHL PCIe SSD devices.
NOTE When NVMe devices are controlled behind S140, prepare to remove and cryptographic erase operations are not supported, blink and unblink are supported.

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