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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Viewing System Event Log using web interface

To view the SEL, in iDRAC Web interface, go to Maintenance > System Event Log.

The System Event Log page displays a system health indicator, a time stamp, and a description for each event logged. For more information, see the iDRAC Online Help.

Click Save As to save the SEL to a location of your choice.

NOTE If you are using Internet Explorer and if there is a problem when saving, download the Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer. You can download it from the Microsoft Support website at support.microsoft.com.

To clear the logs, click Clear Log.

NOTE Clear Log only appears if you have Clear Logs permission.

After the SEL is cleared, an entry is logged in the Lifecycle Controller log. The log entry includes the user name and the IP address from where the SEL was cleared.

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