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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Erasing physical disks

The System Erase feature allows you to erase the contents of the physical drives. This feature is accessible using RACADM or the LC GUI. Physical drives on the server are grouped into two categories.
  • Secure erase drives— Includes drives that provide cryptographic erase such as ISE and SED SAS and SATA drives, and PCIe SSDs.
  • Overwrite erase drives— Includes all drives that do not support cryptographic erase.
The RACADM SystemErase sub-command includes options for the following categories:
  • The SecureErasePD option cryptographically erases all the secure erase drives.
  • The OverwritePD option overwrites data on all drives.
Before performing SystemErase, use the following command to check the erase capability of all physical disks for a server:
# racadm storage get pdisks –o –p SystemEraseCapability
To erase ISE and SED drives, use this command:
# racadm systemerase –secureerasepd
To erase overwrite erase drives, use the following command:
# racadm systemerase -overwritepd
NOTE RACADM SystemErase removes all the virtual disks from the physical disks that are erased by the above commands.
NOTE RACADM SystemErase causes the server to restart in order to perform the erase operations.
NOTE Individual PCIe SSD or SED devices can be erased using the iDRAC GUI or RACADM. For more information, see the Erasing PCIe SSD device data and the Erasing SED device data section.

For information on the System Erase function within the Lifecycle Controller GUI, see the Lifecycle Controller User's Guide available at www.dell.com/idracmanuals.

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