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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Enabling or disabling OS to iDRAC Pass-through using web interface

To enable OS to iDRAC Pass-through using Web interface:
  1. Go to iDRAC Settings > Connectivity > Network > OS to iDRAC Pass-through.
    The OS to iDRAC Pass-through page is displayed.
  2. Change the State to Enabled.
  3. Select any of the following options for Pass-through Mode:
    • LOM — The OS to iDRAC pass-through link between the iDRAC and the host operating system is established through the LOM or NDC.
    • USB NIC — The OS to iDRAC pass-through link between the iDRAC and the host operating system is established through the internal USB bus.
    NOTE If you set the pass-through mode to LOM, ensure that:
    • OS and iDRAC are on the same subnet
    • NIC selection in Network Settings is set to LOM
  4. If you select LOM as the pass-through configuration, and if the server is connected using dedicated mode, enter the IPv4 address of the operating system.
    NOTE If the server is connected in shared LOM mode, then the OS IP Address field is disabled.
    NOTE If the VLAN is enabled on the iDRAC, the LOM-Passthrough will only function in shared LOM mode with VLAN tagging configured on the host.
  5. If you select USB NIC as the pass-through configuration, enter the IP address of the USB NIC.
    The default value is It is recommended to use the default IP address. However, if this IP address conflicts with an IP address of other interfaces of the host system or the local network, you must change it.

    Do not enter and IPs. These IPs are reserved for the USB NIC port on the front panel when a A/A cable is used.

  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Test Network Configuration to check if the IP is accessible and the link is established between the iDRAC and the host operating system.

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