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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Launching virtual media without using virtual console

Before you launch Virtual Media when the Virtual Console is disabled, ensure that:
  • Virtual Media is in Attach state. To do this, select Attach from the drop down of Attach Mode field.
  • System is configured to unhide empty drives. To do this, in Windows Explorer, go to Folder Options, clear the Hide empty drives in the Computer folder option, and click OK.

To access Virtual Media when Virtual Console is disabled:

  1. In the iDRAC web Interface, go to Configuration > Virtual Media.
  2. Click Connect Virtual Media.

Alternatively, you can also launch the Virtual Media by following these steps:

  1. Go to Configuration > Virtual Console.
  2. Click Launch Virtual Console. The following message is displayed:
    Virtual Console has been disabled. Do you want to continue using Virtual Media redirection?
  3. Click OK. The Virtual Media window is displayed.
  4. From the Virtual Media menu, click Map CD/DVD or Map Removable Disk. For more information, see Mapping virtual drive.
NOTE The virtual device drive letters on the managed system do not coincide with the physical drive letters on the management station.
NOTE The Virtual Media may not function correctly on systems running Windows operating system configured with Internet Explorer Enhanced Security. To resolve this issue, see the Microsoft operating system documentation or contact the system administrator.

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