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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Inventorying and monitoring storage devices

You can remotely monitor the health and view the inventory of the following Comprehensive Embedded Management (CEM) enabled storage devices in the managed system using iDRAC web interface:
  • RAID controllers, non-RAID controllers, BOSS controllers and PCIe extenders
  • Enclosures that include Enclosure Management Modules (EMMs), power supply, fan probe, and temperature probe
  • Physical disks
  • Virtual disks
  • Batteries

The recent storage events and topology of storage devices are also displayed.

Alerts and SNMP traps are generated for storage events. The events are logged in the Lifecycle Log.

NOTE For an accurate inventory of BOSS controllers, ensure that Collect System Inventory On Reboot Operation (CSIOR) is completed. CSIOR is enabled by default.
NOTE If you enumerate the enclosure view's WSMan command on a system while one PSU-cable is removed, the primary status of the enclosure view is reported as Healthy instead of Warning.
NOTE The storage health rollup follows the same convention of Dell EMC OpenManage product. For more information see the OpenManage Server Administrator User's Guide available at www.dell.com/openmanagemanuals.
NOTE Physical disks in system with multiple backplanes may be listed under a different backplane. Use the blink function to identify the disks.

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