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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Power capping in Blade servers

Before a blade server turns on, based on limited hardware inventory, iDRAC provides the power requirements of the blade server to the chassis manager. If the power consumption increases over time and if the server consumes power to its maximum allocation, iDRAC requests CMC (for non-MX platforms) or OME Modular (for MX platforms) to increase the maximum potential power. This results in an increase in the power delivery, however, the power delivery does not reduce if the consumption decreases.

After the system is powered on and initialized, iDRAC calculates a new power requirement based on the actual hardware configuration. The system stays powered on even if the CMC (not for MX platforms) or OME Modular (not for MX platforms) fails to allocate new power request.

CMC or OME Modular reclaims any unused power from lower priority servers and allocates that power to a higher-priority infrastructure module or a server.

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