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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Extending Active Directory schema

Extending your Active Directory schema adds a Dell organizational unit, schema classes and attributes, and example privileges and association objects to the Active Directory schema. Before you extend the schema, make sure that you have the Schema Admin privileges on the Schema Master FSMO-Role-Owner of the domain forest.

NOTE The schema extension for this product is different from the previous generations. The earlier schema does not work with this product.
NOTE Extending the new schema has no impact on previous versions of the product.
You can extend your schema using one of the following methods:
  • Dell Schema Extender utility
  • LDIF script file

If you use the LDIF script file, the Dell organizational unit is not added to the schema.

The LDIF files and Dell Schema Extender are on your Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD in the following respective directories:
  • DVDdrive :\SYSMGMT\ManagementStation\support\OMActiveDirectory_Tools\Remote_Management_Advanced\LDIF_Files
  • <DVDdrive>: \SYSMGMT\ManagementStation\support\OMActiveDirectory_Tools\Remote_Management_Advanced\Schema Extender

To use the LDIF files, see the instructions in the readme included in the LDIF_Files directory.

You can copy and run the Schema Extender or LDIF files from any location.

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