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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Using virtual console viewer

The Virtual Console Viewer provides various controls such as mouse synchronization, virtual console scaling, chat options, keyboard macros, power actions, next boot devices, and access to Virtual Media. For information to use these features, see the iDRAC Online Help.

NOTE If the remote server is powered off, the message ’No Signal’ is displayed.
The Virtual Console Viewer title bar displays the DNS name or the IP address of the iDRAC you are connected to from the management station. If iDRAC does not have a DNS name, then the IP address is displayed. The format is:
  • For rack and tower servers:

    <DNS name / IPv6 address / IPv4 address>, <Model>, User: <username>, <fps>

  • For blade servers:

    <DNS name / IPv6 address / IPv4 address>, <Model>, <Slot number>, User: <username>, <fps>

Sometimes the Virtual Console Viewer may display low quality video. This is due to slow network connectivity that leads to loss of one or two video frames when you start the Virtual Console session. To transmit all the video frames and improve the subsequent video quality, do any of the following:
  • In the System Summary page, under Virtual Console Preview section, click Refresh.
  • In the Virtual Console Viewer, under Performance tab, set the slider to Maximum Video Quality.

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