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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Setting up iDRAC IP address

You must configure the initial network settings based on your network infrastructure to enable the communication to and from iDRAC. You can set up the IP address using one of the following interfaces:

  • iDRAC Settings utility
  • Lifecycle Controller (see Lifecycle Controller User's Guide)
  • Dell Deployment Toolkit (see OpenManage Deployment Toolkit User's Guide)
  • Chassis or Server LCD panel (see the system’s Installation and Service Manual)
    NOTE On blade servers, you can configure the network settings using the chassis LCD panel only during the initial CMC configuration. You cannot reconfigure iDRAC using the Chassis LCD panel after the chassis is deployed.
  • CMC Web interface (not applicable for MX platforms) (see Chassis Management Controller User's Guide)

In case of rack and tower servers, you can set up the IP address or use the default iDRAC IP address to configure initial network settings, including setting up DHCP or the static IP for iDRAC.

In case of blade servers, the iDRAC network interface is disabled by default.

After you configure iDRAC IP address:

  • Ensure that you change the default user name and password.
  • Access iDRAC through any of the following interfaces:
    • iDRAC Web interface using a supported browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari)
    • Secure Shell (SSH) — Requires a client such as PuTTY on Windows. SSH is available by default in most of the Linux systems and hence does not require a client.
    • Telnet (must be enabled, since it is disabled by default)
    • IPMITool (uses IPMI command) or shell prompt (requires Dell customized installer in Windows or Linux, available from Systems Management Documentation and Tools DVD or www.dell.com/support)

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