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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Creating a partition using an image file

You can create a new partition on the vFlash SD card using an image file (available in the .img or .iso format.) The partitions are of emulation types: Floppy (.img), Hard Disk (.img), or CD (.iso). The created partition size is equal to the image file size.

Before creating a partition from an image file, make sure that:

  • You have Access Virtual Media privilege.
  • The card is initialized.
  • The card is not write-protected.
  • An initialize operation is not being performed on the card.
  • The image type and the emulation type match.
    NOTE The uploaded image and the emulation type must match. There are issues when iDRAC emulates a device with incorrect image type. For example, if the partition is created using an ISO image and the emulation type is specified as Hard Disk, then the BIOS cannot boot from this image.
  • Image file size is less than or equal to the available space on the card.
  • Image file size is less than or equal to 4 GB as the maximum partition size supported is 4 GB. However, while creating a partition using a Web browser, the image file size must be less than 2 GB.
NOTE The vFlash partition is an image file on a FAT32 file system. Thus, the image file has the 4 GB limitation.
NOTE Installation of a full OS is not supported.

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