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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Benefits of using iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller

The benefits include:
  • Increased Availability — Early notification of potential or actual failures that help prevent a server failure or reduce recovery time after failure.
  • Improved Productivity and Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) — Extending the reach of administrators to larger numbers of distant servers can make IT staff more productive while driving down operational costs such as travel.
  • Secure Environment — By providing secure access to remote servers, administrators can perform critical management functions while maintaining server and network security.
  • Enhanced Embedded Management through Lifecycle Controller — Lifecycle Controller provides deployment and simplified serviceability through Lifecycle Controller GUI for local deployment and Remote Services (WSMan) interfaces for remote deployment integrated with Dell OpenManage Essentials and partner consoles.

For more information about Lifecycle Controller GUI, see Lifecycle Controller User's Guide and for remote services, see Lifecycle Controller Remote Services Quick Start Guide available at www.dell.com/idracmanuals.

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