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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Acquiring license key from Dell Digital Locker

To obtain the license key from your account, you must first register your product using the registration code that is sent in the order confirmation email. This code must be entered in the Product Registration tab after logging into Dell Digital Locker.

From the left pane, click the Products or Order History tab to view the list of your products. Subscription-based products are listed under Billing accounts tab.

To download the license key from your Dell Digital Locker account:
  1. Sign in to your Dell Digital Locker account.
  2. From the left pane, click Products.
  3. Click the product that you want to view.
  4. Click the product name.
  5. On theProduct management page, click Get Key.
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen to obtain the license key.
NOTE If you do not have a Dell Digital Locker account, create an account using the email address provided during your purchase.
NOTE To generate multiple license keys for new purchases, follow the instructions under Tools > License Activation > Unactivated licenses

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