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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Support Server Configuration Profile — Import and Export

Server Configuration Profile (SCP) allows you to import and export server configuration files.

User can import and export from local management station, and from a Network Share via CIFS, NFS, HTTP or HTTPS. Using SCP, you can select and import or export component level configurations for BIOS, NIC and RAID. You can import and export SCP to the local management station or to a CIFS, NFS, HTTP, or HTTPS network share. You can either import and export individual profiles of iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and RAID, or all of them together as a single file.

User can specify preview import or export of the SCP where the job is running and configuration result is generated but none of the configuration has applied.

A job is created once the import or export is initiated through the GUI. The status of the jobs can be viewed on the Job Queue page.

NOTE Only Host Name or IP Address are accepted for destination address.
NOTE You can browse to a specific location to import the server configuration files. You need to select the correct server configuration file that you want to import. For example, import.xml.
NOTE Depending on the exported file format (that you selected), the extension is added automatically. For example, export_system_config.xml.
NOTE SCP applies the full configuration in a single job with minimal number of reboots. However, in a few system configurations some attributes change the operation mode of a device or may create subdevices with new attributes. When this occurs, SCP may be unable to apply all settings during a single job. Review the ConfigResult entries for the job to resolve any pending configuration settings.

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