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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Inventorying, monitoring, and configuring network devices

You can inventory, monitor, and configure the following network devices:
  • Network Interface Cards (NICs)
  • Converged Network Adapters (CNAs)
  • LAN On Motherboards (LOMs)
  • Network Daughter Cards (NDCs)
  • Mezzanine cards (only for blade servers)

Before you disable NPAR or an individual partition on CNA devices, ensure that you clear all I/O identity attributes (Example: IP address, virtual addresses, initiator, and storage targets) and partition-level attributes (Example: Bandwidth allocation). You can disable a partition either by changing the VirtualizationMode attribute setting to NPAR or by disabling all personalities on a partition.

Depending on the type of installed CNA device, the settings of partition attributes may not be retained from the last time the partition was active. Set all I/O identity attributes and partition-related attributes when enabling a partition. You can enable a partition by either changing the VirtualizationMode attribute setting to NPAR or by enabling a personality (Example: NicMode) on the partition.

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