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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Logging in to iDRAC

You can log in to iDRAC as an iDRAC user, a Microsoft Active Directory user, or a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user. You can also log in using OpenID Connect and Single Sign-On or Smart Card.

To improve security, each system is shipped with a unique password for iDRAC, which is available on the system information tag. This unique password improves security of iDRAC and your server. The default user name is root.

While ordering the system, you can choose to retain the legacy password—calvin—as the default password. If you choose to retain the legacy password, the password is not available on the system information tag.

In this version, DHCP is enabled by default and iDRAC IP address is assigned dynamically.

  • You must have login to iDRAC privilege to log in to iDRAC.
  • iDRAC GUI does not support browser buttons such as Back, Forward, or Refresh.
NOTE For information about recommended characters for user names and passwords, see Recommended characters in user names and passwords.

To change the default password, see Changing the default login password.

Customizable security banner

You can customize the security notice that is displayed on the login page. You can use RACADM, Redfish, or WSMan to customize the notice. Depending on the language you use, the notice can be either 1024 or 512 UTF-8 characters long.

OpenID Connect

NOTE This feature is only available for MX platforms.

You can log in to iDRAC using credentials of other web consoles such as Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise (OME) - Modular. When this feature is enabled, the console starts managing the user permissions on the iDRAC. iDRAC provides the user session with all the permissions that are specified by the console.

NOTE When lockdown mode is enabled, OpenID Connect login options are not displayed in iDRAC login page.

You can now get access to detailed help without logging in to iDRAC. Use the links on the iDRAC login page to access help and version information, drivers and downloads, manuals and TechCenter.

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