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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Multi-Vector Cooling

Multi-Vector Cooling implements multi-prong approach to Thermal Controls in Dell EMC Server Platforms. You can configure multi-vector cooling options through iDRAC web interface by navigating to Configuration > System Settings > Hardware Settings > Fan Configuration. It includes (but not limited to):
  • Large set of sensors (thermal, power, inventory etc.) that allows accurate interpretation of real-time system thermal state at various locations within the server. It displays only a small subset of sensors that are relevant to users need based on the configuration.
  • Intelligent and adaptive closed loop control algorithm optimizes fan response to maintain component temperatures. It also conserves fan power, airflow consumption, and acoustics.
  • Using fan zone mapping, cooling can be initiated for the components when it requires. Thus, it results maximum performance without compromising the efficiency of power utilization.
  • Accurate representation of slot by slot PCIe airflow in terms of LFM metric (Linear Feet per Minute - an accepted industry standard on how PCIe card airflow requirement is specified). Display of this metric in various iDRAC interfaces allows user to:
    1. know the maximum LFM capability of each slot within the server.
    2. know what approach is being taken for PCIe cooling for each slot (airflow controlled, temperature controlled).
    3. know the minimum LFM being delivered to a slot, if the card is a 3rd Party Card (user defined custom card).
    4. dial in custom minimum LFM value for the 3rd Party Card allowing more accurate definition of the card cooling needs for which the user is better aware of through their custom card specification.
  • Displays real-time system airflow metric (CFM, cubic feet per minute) in various iDRAC interfaces to the user to enable datacenter airflow balancing based on aggregation of per server CFM consumption.
  • Allows custom thermal settings like Thermal Profiles (Maximum Performance vs. Maximum Performance per Watt, Sound Cap), custom fan speed options (minimum fan speed, fan speed offsets) and custom Exhaust Temperature settings.
    1. Most of these settings allow additional cooling over the baseline cooling generated by thermal algorithms and do not allow fan speeds to go below system cooling requirements.
      NOTE One exception to above statement is for fan speeds that are added for 3rd Party PCIe cards. The thermal algorithm provision airflow for 3rd party cards may be more or less than the actual card cooling needs and customer may fine tune the response for the card by entering the LFM corresponding to the 3rd Party Card.
    2. Custom Exhaust Temperature option limits exhaust temperature to customer desired settings.
      NOTE It is important to note that with certain configurations and workloads, it may not be physically possible to reduce exhaust below a desired set point (e.g. Custom exhaust setting of 45C with a high inlet temp {e.g. 30C} and a loaded config {high system power consumption, low airflow}).
    3. Sound Cap option is new in the 14th generation of PowerEdge server. It limits CPU power consumption and controls fan speed and acoustical ceiling. This is unique for acoustical deployments and may result in reduced system performance.
  • System layout and design enables increased airflow capability (by allowing high power) and dense system configurations. It provides less system restrictions and increased feature density.
    1. Streamlined airflow permits efficient airflow to fan power consumption ratio.
  • Custom fans are designed for higher efficiency, better performance, longer life and less vibration. It also delivers better acoustics outcome.
    1. Fans are capable of long life (in general it may run for more than 5 years), even if it runs at full speed all the time.
  • Custom heat-sinks are designed for optimize component cooling at minimum (required) airflow yet supports high performance CPUs.

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