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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Exporting domain controller root CA certificate to iDRAC

NOTE If your system is running Windows 2000 or if you are using standalone CA, the following steps may vary.

To export the domain controller root CA certificate to iDRAC:

  1. Locate the domain controller that is running the Microsoft Enterprise CA service.
  2. Click Start > Run.
  3. Enter mmc and click OK.
  4. In the Console 1 (MMC) window, click File (or Console on Windows 2000 systems) and select Add/Remove Snap-in.
  5. In the Add/Remove Snap-In window, click Add.
  6. In the Standalone Snap-In window, select Certificates and click Add.
  7. Select Computer and click Next.
  8. Select Local Computer, click Finish, and click OK.
  9. In the Console 1 window, go to Certificates Personal Certificates folder.
  10. Locate and right-click the root CA certificate, select All Tasks, and click Export....
  11. In the Certificate Export Wizard, click Next, and select No do not export the private key.
  12. Click Next and select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.cer) as the format.
  13. Click Next and save the certificate to a directory on your system.
  14. Upload the certificate you saved in step 13 to iDRAC.

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