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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Installing and using VMCLI utility

The Virtual Media Command Line Interface (VMCLI) utility is an interface that provides virtual media features from the management station to iDRAC on the managed system. Using this utility you can access virtual media features, including image files and physical drives, to deploy an operating system on multiple remote systems in a network.

The VMCLI utility supports the following features:
  • Manage removable devices or images that are accessible through virtual media.
  • Automatically terminate the session when the iDRAC firmware Boot Once option is enabled.
  • Secure communications to iDRAC using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
  • Execute VMCLI commands until:
    • The connections automatically terminate.
    • An operating system terminates the process.
NOTE To terminate the process in Windows, use the Task Manager.

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