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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Importing server profile

You can use the backup image file to import or restore the configuration and firmware for the same server without rebooting the server.

Import feature is not licensed.

NOTE For the restore operation, the system Service Tag and the Service Tag in the backup file must be identical. The restore operation applies to all system components that are same and present in the same location or slot as captured in the backup file. If components are different or not in the same location, they are not modified and restore failures is logged to the Lifecycle Log.
Before performing an import operation, make sure that Lifecycle Controller is enabled. If Lifecycle Controller is disabled, and if you initiate the import operation, the following message is displayed:
Lifecycle Controller is not enabled, cannot create Configuration job.
When the import is in-progress, if you initiate an import operation again, the following error message is displayed:
Restore is already running

Import events are recorded in the Lifecycle Log.

Easy Restore

After you replace the motherboard on your server, Easy Restore allows you to automatically restore the following data:

  • System Service Tag
  • Asset Tag
  • Licenses data
  • UEFI Diagnostics application
  • System configuration settings—BIOS, iDRAC, and NIC

Easy Restore uses the Easy Restore flash memory to back up the data. When you replace the motherboard and power on the system, the BIOS queries the iDRAC and prompts you to restore the backed-up data. The first BIOS screen prompts you to restore the Service Tag, licenses, and UEFI diagnostic application. The second BIOS screen prompts you to restore system configuration settings. If you choose not to restore data on the first BIOS screen and if you do not set the Service Tag by another method, the first BIOS screen is displayed again. The second BIOS screen is displayed only once.

  • System configurations settings are backed-up only when CSIOR is enabled. Ensure that Lifecycle Controller and CSIOR are enabled.
  • System Erase does not clear the data from the Easy Restore flash memory.
  • Easy Restore does not back up other data such as firmware images, vFlash data, or add-in cards data.

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