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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring the IPv6 settings

Based on the infrastructure setup, you can use IPv6 address protocol.

To configure the IPv6 settings:

  1. Select Enabled option under Enable IPv6.
  2. For the DHCPv6 server to automatically assign the IP address, gateway, and subnet mask to iDRAC, select Enabled option under Enable Auto-configuration.
    NOTE You can configure both static IP and DHCP IP at the same time.
  3. In the Static IP Address 1 box, enter the static IPv6 address.
  4. In the Static Prefix Length box, enter a value between 0 and 128.
  5. In the Static Gateway box, enter the gateway address.
    NOTE If you configure static IP, the current IP address 1 displays static IP and the IP address 2 displays dynamic IP. If you clear the static IP settings, the current IP address 1 displays dynamic IP.
  6. If you are using DHCP, enable DHCPv6 to obtain DNS Server addresses to obtain Primary and Secondary DNS server addresses from DHCPv6 server. You can configure the following if required:
    • In the Static Preferred DNS Server box, enter the static DNS server IPv6 address.
    • In the Static Alternate DNS Server box, enter the static alternate DNS server.

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