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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Exporting server configuration profile using iDRAC web interface

To export the server configuration profile:
  1. Go to Configuration > Server Configuration Profile
    The Server Configuration Profile page is displayed.
  2. Click Export.
  3. Select one of the following to specify the location type:
    • Local to save the configuration file on a local drive.
    • Network Share to save the configuration file on a CIFS or NFS share.
    • HTTP or HTTPS to save the configuration file to a local file using HTTP/HTTPS file transfer.
    NOTE Depending on the location type, you must enter the Network Settings or HTTP/HTTPS settings. If proxy is configured for HTTP/HTTPS, proxy settings are also required.
  4. Select the components that you need to back up the configuration for.
  5. Select the Export type, following are the options:
    • Basic
    • Replacement Export
    • Clone Export
  6. Select an Export file format.
  7. Select Additional export items.
  8. Click Export.

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