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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Creating a partition using an image file using web interface

To create a vFlash partition from an image file:
  1. In iDRAC Web interface, go to Configuration > System Settings > Hardware Settings > vFlash > Create From Image.
    The Create Partition from Image File page is displayed.
  2. Enter the required information and click Apply. For information about the options, see the iDRAC Online Help.
    A new partition is created. For CD emulation type, a read-only partition is created. For Floppy or Hard Disk emulation type, a read-write partition is created. An error message is displayed if:
    • The card is write-protected
    • The label name matches the label of an existing partition.
    • The size of the image file is greater than 4 GB or exceeds the available space on the card.
    • The image file does not exist or the image file extension is neither .img nor .iso.
    • An initialize operation is already being performed on the card.

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