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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring BIOS for serial connection

NOTE This is applicable only for iDRAC on rack and tower servers.
  1. Turn on or restart the system.
  2. Press F2.
  3. Go to System BIOS Settings > Serial Communication.
  4. Specify the following values:
    • Serial Communication — On With Console Redirection
    • Serial Port Address — COM2.
      NOTE You can set the serial communication field to On with serial redirection via com1 if serial device2 in the serial port address field is also set to com1.
    • External serial connector — Serial device 2
    • Failsafe Baud Rate — 115200
    • Remote Terminal Type — VT100/VT220
    • Redirection After Boot — Enabled
  5. Click Back and then click Finish.
  6. Click Yes to save the changes.
  7. Press <Esc> to exit System Setup.
    NOTE BIOS sends the screen serial data in 25 x 80 format. The SSH window that is used to invoke the console com2 command must be set to 25 x 80. Then, the redirected screen appears correctly.
    NOTE If the boot loader or operating system provides serial redirection such as GRUB or Linux, then the BIOS Redirection After Boot setting must be disabled. This is to avoid potential race condition of multiple components accessing the serial port.

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