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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Generating SupportAssist Collection manually using iDRAC web interface

To generate the SupportAssist collection manually:
  1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Maintenance > SupportAssist.
  2. If the server is not registered for SupportAssist, SupportAssist Registration Wizard is displayed. Click Cancel > Cancel Registration.
  3. Click Start a Collection.
  4. Select the data sets to be included in the Collection.
  5. You can opt to filter the collection for PII.
  6. Select the destination where Collection needs to be saved.
    1. If the server is connected to the internet and the Send Now option is enabled, then selecting this option transmits the Collection log to Dell EMC SupportAssist.
    2. Save locally option allows you to save the generated Collection in the local system.
    3. Save to Network option saves the generated Collection to user defined CIFS or NFS share location.
      NOTE If Save to Network is selected, and no default location is available, the provided network details will be saved as default location for future collections. If default location already exist, then the collection will use the details specified once only.
    If Save to Network option is selected, the user provided network details is saved as defaults (if no prior network share location have been saved) for any future collections.
  7. Click Collect to proceed with Collection generation.
  8. If prompted, accept the End User Level Agreement (EULA) to continue.
    OS and Application Data option is grayed out and not selectable if:
    • iSM is not installed or running in Host OS, or
    • OS Collector has been removed from iDRAC, or
    • OS-BMC pass through is disabled in iDRAC, or
    • cached OS Application data is not available in iDRAC from a previous collection

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