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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring multiple iDRACs using RACADM

You can configure one or more iDRACs with identical properties using RACADM. When you query a specific iDRAC using its group ID and object ID, RACADM creates a configuration file from the retrieved information. Import the file to other iDRACs to identically configure them.
  • The configuration file contains information that is applicable for the particular server. The information is organized under various object groups.
  • Some configuration files contain unique iDRAC information, such as the static IP address, that you must modify before you import the file into other iDRACs.

You can also use the System Configuration Profile (SCP) to configure multiple iDRACs using RACADM. SCP file contains the component configuration information. You can use this file to apply the configuration for BIOS, iDRAC, RAID, and NIC by importing the file into a target system. For more information, see XML Configuration Workflow white paper available at www.dell.com/manuals.

To configure multiple iDRACs using the configuration file:

  1. Query the target iDRAC that contains the required configuration using the following command:.
    racadm get -f <file_name>.xml -t xml -c iDRAC.Embedded.1

    The command requests the iDRAC configuration and generates the configuration file.

    NOTE Redirecting the iDRAC configuration to a file using get -f is only supported with the local and remote RACADM interfaces.
    NOTE The generated configuration file does not contain user passwords.

    The get command displays all configuration properties in a group (specified by group name and index) and all configuration properties for a user.

  2. Modify the configuration file using a text editor, if required.
    NOTE It is recommended that you edit this file with a simple text editor. The RACADM utility uses an ASCII text parser. Any formatting confuses the parser, which may corrupt the RACADM database.
  3. On the target iDRAC, use the following command to modify the settings:
    racadm set -f <file_name>.xml -t xml
    This loads the information into the other iDRAC. You can use set command to synchronize the user and password database with Server Administrator.
  4. Reset the target iDRAC using the command: racadm racreset

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