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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Using USB port for server management

On the 14th generation servers, a dedicated micro USB port is available to configure iDRAC. You can perform the following functions using the micro USB port:

  • Connect to the system using the USB network interface to access system management tools such as iDRAC web interface and RACADM.
  • Configure a server by using SCP files that are stored on a USB drive.
NOTE To manage a USB port or to configure a server by importing Server Configuration Profile (SCP) files on a USB drive, you must have the System Control privilege. For more information about managing a USB port, read the white paper Assigning USB Ports and Managing USB drives on 13th Generation Servers and Later.

To configure Management USB Settings, go to iDRAC Settings > Settings > Management USB Settings. Following options are available:

  • USB Management Port—Select Enabled to enable the port either to import the SCP file when a USB drive is connected or to access iDRAC using the micro USB port.
    NOTE Ensure that the USB drive contains a valid SCP file.
    NOTE Use an OTG adapter to convert from Type-A to Micro-B USB. Connections from USB hubs are not supported.
  • iDRAC Managed: USB SCP—Select from following options to configure the system by importing SCP stored on a USB drive:
    • Disabled—Disables SCP imports
    • Enabled only when server has default credential settings— If this option is selected then the SCP can only be imported when the default password is not changed for the following:
      • BIOS
      • iDRAC web interface
    • Enabled only for compressed configuration files—Select this option to allow SCP file import only if the files are in compressed format.
      NOTE Selecting this option allows you to password protect the compressed file. You can enter a password to secure the file by using Password for Zip file option.
    • Enabled—Select this option to allow importing SCP file without running a check during runtime.

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